In the UK, (unlike Australia, for example), the law still requires that a marriage is officially sanctioned by an appointed person.
However, what many of us don’t realise is that it is only the Declaratory and Contracting words that need to be included for this to be legally binding.
These consist of the following:
Declaratory Words : I declare that I know of no legal reason why I …………. may not be joined in marriage to …………..
Contracting Words : I ………….. take thee ………….. to be my wedded wife/husband.
Literally, that’s all (though there are a few variations*). No inclusion of vows, no exchange of rings and no readings or music; a legal contract signing, if you like.
With this in mind, more and more couples are choosing to register their marriage at their local registry office (or the one closest to their wedding venue) and hold a separate ceremony to celebrate their marriage. This has been the general custom in The Netherlands, Spain and Germany (amongst other places) for many years.
Recently I have heard of a few instances where the Registrar and Celebrant have conducted back to back ceremonies in the same wedding venue – but not all Registrars are open to this (and it could work out to be an expensive option as this is not possible at a registry office). Most people register their marriage a day or so before they celebrate their wedding.
As an Independent Celebrant, I can help advise on how you might raise this discussion with your registry office and can act as one of your official witnesses if you’d like, so that you keep the “big reveal” until your big day.
*Alternative Declaratory and Contracting words:
Declaratory Words
I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I ………….. may not be joined in matrimony to …………..
I declare that I know of no legal reason why I ………….. may not be joined in marriage to …………..
The Officiating Registrar will ask ‘Are you ………….. free lawfully to marry …………..?’ to which you must reply, ‘I am’.
Contracting Words
I call upon these persons here present to witness that I ………….. do take thee ………….. to be my lawfully wedded wife/husband.
I ………….. take thee ………….. to be my wedded wife/husband.